Explosion in space
Powerful and luminous
Star ejecting mass

Static on the wire
Warped television picture
Phone line cutting out

Flowers in a field
Purple mountain’s majesty
True symbol of love

Hard prevailing wind
Destructive and yet fruitful
Blowing wet and dry

Frozen glowing rock
It will bring the best of us
Crashing from great heights

Polar midnight sky
Lit by dancing particles
Strange ribbons of light

Young man led astray
Burned by an angry master
Scarred, he yells out: “No!”

Round and green and charged
With an electric current
Sour and shocking

A change of the world
A rotation of the globe
A hit Beatles song

Flash of sun’s brightness
Burning orange eruption
Never falls to Earth

Is it a lemon?
No - an impostor citrus
With false gilded skin

Death god’s favorite fruit
Plucked from the Tree of Knowledge
Many seeds, like gems

Heavy shroud of night
Stars all snuffed out like lamp-posts
Nothing to be seen